Pleksi Buklet Tepsiler

Guest Room Supplies

Plexi Guest Room Trays

You can get the types and detailed information of our plexi guest room trays products on our page. You can get information by calling our sales staff for the price list.

BDU 012

Plexi Amenities Tray – 01

Plexi Amenities Tray
pleksi buklet tepsi 01 ebatlar

BDU 025

Plexi Amenities Tray – 02

Pleksi Buklet Tepsisi 02
pleksi buklet tepsi 02 ebatlar

PBT 003

Plexi Amenities Tray – 03

Pleksi Buklet Tepsisi 03
pleksi buklet tepsi 03 ebatlar

PBT 004

Plexi Amenities Tray – 04

Pleksi Buklet Tepsisi 04
pleksi buklet tepsi 04 ebatlar